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Advocacy Notes from NHSTE - June 2021

01 Jun 2021 6:30 PM | Anonymous member

State: Join Reaching Higher NH on Monday, June 7 at 3 p.m. for a webinar examining the proposed state budget. They will walk through the big education-related issues, including the voucher proposal, statewide property tax (SWEPT), school funding, higher education and school building aid. There will be open space for questions and discussion. Webinar is free but you must Register.

On Wednesday, May 26, the Senate Finance Committeevoted 5-2 to include SB 130, theschool voucher bill, in the larger state budget package. The proposal, which isheavily opposed by Granite Staters, would use public taxpayer dollars to fund private and homeschooling expenses through “Education Freedom Accounts,” or vouchers.

Federal: The U.S. Department of Education (U.S. DOE) released afact sheetlast week that aims to provide guidance on federal relief funds for schools. The fact sheet also explains funding for specific subgroups of students, methods for making subgrants, and timelines for distributing and using the funds.

Attended the New Hampshire Education Network meeting last month (May 3rd) representing NHSTE. A legislative update was reviewed and discussed at this meeting that included representatives from educational and business organizations.

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