UNH Cooperative Extension &NHEdGIS Presents
Getting Started with Storymaps for K-12 Teachers
Virtual Workshop
January 12, 2022 or January 20, 2022
(with an optional hands-on lesson from 4:30-5pm)

Learn how to make your own interactive StoryMaps using easy to use tools. Open to all. No experience necessary! $50 gift cards for the first 40 NH teachers to attend (Just 18 remaining!!)
In one hour, we will walk you through how to make your own StoryMap and give you the resources to start using StoryMaps in your classroom. If you used Story Maps in the past, we will be covering the new StoryMap template and the exciting new tools that are now available. StoryMaps are available for FREE to K-12 schools through the ArcGIS for Schools Bundle.
Contact NHEdGISPartnership@gmail.com if you need help setting up your account.
Why teach with StoryMaps?
- Provide an engaging, rich way to teach content.
- Foster technical skills: GIS, multimedia (media fluency), data.
- Foster critical and spatial thinking.
- Foster skills in organization, ethics, permissions.
- Foster communication skills - digital, written, and oral.
- Tools that support collaboration and culminating projects.
- Access to resources by authoritative sources! If something is happening in the world, there is a story map for it!
Additional help is available! StoryMap Office Hours will be offered every other Thursday, starting January 27, 2022 at 3:30-4:30pm. These open calls are available for you to check in with experts and get help with your projects and StoryMaps.
Students in grades 4-12 who complete a Storymap by May 11, 2022 are encouraged to enter their StoryMaps to the NH Student Map Competition!
Register for the Workshop at: https://arcg.is/1uOvbq by January 5, 2022