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New Hampshire educators sharing the ways technology transforms teaching and learning.


NHSTE Happenings

NHSTE Happenings is a section of our website where we share information about what is happening with our organization, with our partners and affiliates, in the profession of educational technology, and in the education profession in general. If you have some to share, please send us an email.

  • 13 Apr 2019 4:51 PM | Anonymous member

    Google for Edu NH Webinar - 4/16 - Overview of Updates to Google Ecosystem 

    Join Google for Education for an interactive webinar reviewing new and exciting updates to the Google ecosystem!
    See below for event details:

    • Date: Tuesday, April 16
    • Time: 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
    • Webinar Focus: With Google Classroom undergoing its most significant face-lift since its launch, we'll be sure to demonstrate the relevant changes and answer questions about the new features and functionalities. We will also share insights and best practices from the districts we have worked with on implementing Chromebooks, G Suite and Google Classroom.


    Reserve your spot today by registering to attend!

    Register Today at https://events.withgoogle.com/google-for-education-nh-webinar-series-1/

    Stay tuned for more Google Webinars: The next scheduled webinar will be Monday, May 6th at 3:00 PM.  Topic will be announced shortly.

  • 13 Apr 2019 4:50 PM | Anonymous member

    You are invited to a Zoom webinar.

    When: Apr 29, 2019 7:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
    Topic: Using Talent Box to Prepare for Scratch Day

    Prepare for Scratch Day with Talent Box
    Learn how you can engage your students with Scratch and Java coding, 3D-printing, digital storytelling, robotics, and other STEAM projects using Talent Box, an online application that can be used in grades 2 through 12
    Register in advance for this webinar:

    After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

  • 02 Apr 2019 6:43 PM | Anonymous member

    NHSTE Professional Learning Bundle Packs are a great way to encumber remaining funds from this year’s budget for the next school year!

    This 2018/19 year NHSTE hosted the following ten professional learning events:

    • NHSTE Annual Meeting
    • 4 Digital Learning Specialist RoundTables
    • 2 Makey Makey workshops
    • 1 Future Ready workshop
    • Christa McAuliffe Transforming, Teaching, & Technology Conference

    K-12 School District Bundle Packs

    • 5-Pack for $998 (Save 5% on 5 NHSTE event coupons and 5 one-day registrations at CMTC
    • 10-Pack for $1,953 (Save 7% on 10 NHSTE event coupons and 10 one-day registrations at CMTC)
    • 20-Pack for $3,780 (Save 10% on 20 NHSTE event coupons and 20 one-day registrations at CMTC

    Again for 2019/20 ~ Individual NHSTE Premium Membership & CMTC19 Registration Bundle Pack for $185

    Save $10 on NHSTE Premium Membership ($25) and 1 one-day registration at CMTC ($170) ~ available NOW on the NHSTE website at http://nhste.memberlodge.com/page-663005.

    Please direct any questions to me at nhstePD@nhste.org.

  • 27 Mar 2019 6:33 PM | Anonymous member

    You can read on for information or get a condensed version of the details right here, including the sign up link. Hope you will consider joining in!

    Picture the last time you doodled on your notebook paper. We bet you were in a class, at a workshop, in a conference, or at a staff meeting. Whether you realize it or not that doodling was helping to keep you focused and even helping you remember what you were learning about.

    Sketchnotes help keep you and your students focused during lessons, workshops, etc. while helping you remember important information about the topic. Haven't heard of sketchnotes? No problem! We are starting from the beginning. Join us April 29th-May 24th to learn how to make those doodles even more meaningful and purposeful. During these four weeks you will complete a few simple, fun, engaging tasks a week to further your understanding of sketchnotes and sketchnoting. We will use a new tool called Wakelet and Twitter to help us with sharing our thoughts and ideas with you and each other. BUT if you aren't on Twitter, no big deal, you don't have to be. If you don't know what Wakelet is, no big deal, you don't need to . . . it's easy! Not an artist? You don't need to be!

    This unique professional development opportunity will give you the chance to learn not only what sketchnotes are, but how to use them in your classroom and in your professional life. Sign up here to participate. We will be using The Conference Companion. This book will be used to guide us in our #sketchEDnh journey. Hope you will consider joining us and connecting with other educators in the great state of NH!

    Your #sketchEDnh team,

    Nicole Cassamassino. Technology Integrator. Peter Woodbury Elementary School, NH.

    Craig Sheil. Technology Integrator. Bedford High School.

    Jessica Gilcreast. School Librarian. Bedford High School.

    Karen Desjadon. Media Specialist.  Londonderry High School, NH.

  • 27 Mar 2019 6:30 PM | Anonymous member

    NHSTE is proud to announce another ~

    Digital Learning Specialist RoundTable for Elementary Level PreK-5

    Registration is now open to NHSTE Basic members ~ this workshop will sell out ~ sign up now before all spaces are filled!

    What: Digital Learning Specialists RoundTable - Elementary K-5 
    Where: Richard Maghakian Memorial School, 22 Milford Street, Brookline, NH 03033 
    When: Wednesday, 31 May 2019

    This Digital Learning Specialist RoundTable for the elementary level (PreK-5ish) is being hosted by Jenny Lynch at the Richard Maghakian Memorial School in Brookline, NH for elementary school Technology Integration Teachers/Specialists on Friday, May 31st.  Part Learning Tour, part EdCamp, and part discussion group, the attendees set the discussion topics for the day and support each other with their challenges.

    We know that professional development is important for everyone. In many cases, technology integration teachers are solo in their own buildings or districts. This roundtable opportunity is for those technology integration teachers interested in having conversations about particular topics to improve instruction for staff and students in their own district. Topics/discussion will be tailored based on participant attendees thoughts. Time is included to view the "skills" block that happens each Friday at the school. "Skills time" is spent with the integrated arts team to teach the students "skills" they need for PBL. It was means of compromise when the school went full integration and removed the "computer special". Let’s get together to have thoughtful conversations to help move our schools forward.

    A light breakfast and lunch are included in the registration fee.  Attendees are encouraged to bring both their best practices and challenges.

    NHSTE is recruiting hosts in locations around the state, for RoundTables in 2019/2020 school year.  If you are interested in hosting a RoundTable event at your school, please contact, Cyndi Dunlap, NHSTE Professional Learning Chair at nhstePD@nhste.org.

    Registration is limited to 20 participants, so register ASAP to ensure a seat!  NHSTE NHSTE Premium members receive advance notice of this opportunity.

    Target Audience:

    Digital Learning Specialists (Technology Integration Teachers) at the elementary school level

    Agenda (proposed):

    8:30 to 8:45am      Welcome/Introductions & light breakfast items

    8:45 to 10:45am    Discuss agenda topics (curated by those attending)

    10:45 to 12:00pm  Tour of school

    12:00 - 12:45 pm   Lunch & networking

    12:45 - 1:45 pm     Continue discussion of agenda topics
                                 (curated by those attending)

    Questions???:  For more information or questions about this event please contact:

    Jenny Lynch at Jenny.lynch@sau41.org

    Registration Deadline: 

    Thursday, May 22nd, 2019

    Registration Fee:

    General Registration:  $30.00

    NHSTE Basic (free) Member Registration:  $30.00

    NHSTE Premium (paid) Member Registration: $25.00

    NHSTE Event Coupons:  1 Coupon Numbers; Please select, pay as "Manual" when registering and email the coupon numbers to office@nhste.org, your payment will then be confirmed. Thank you!

    NOTE - Please remember to allow your email system to receive emails from nhsteorg@gmail.com for event updates and confirmations.

    Payment Information:

    During the online registration process, you will be able to pay your fee by check, purchase order, NHSTE Event Coupons, or credit card. 

    • We only accept Visa or Mastercard credit cards.
    • For all other payments, follow the “Off line” payment directions.

    You will receive an email confirmation within 24 hours following your completed registration.

    Cancellation Policy:

    Cancellations requested by Thursday, May 23rd, 2019 will be refunded in full.


    For more information and online registration: http://nhste.memberlodge.com/event-3029947

  • 27 Mar 2019 6:27 PM | Anonymous member

    There will be two geospatial teacher workshops this summer and details are now posted on the NHEdGIS website at http://www.nhedgis.org/2019-summer-spatial-institutes.html 

    The annual Watershed Ecology Institute (https://www.wildlife.state.nh.us/education/documents/wei-2019-flyer.pdf) led by Judy Tumosa will be held at the Sullivan County Complex in Unity, NH on July 16th-18th.  "Join the N.H. Fish and Game Watershed Education Program (WEP) and the Sullivan County Conservation District (SCCD) to explore the aquatic and terrestrial wonders of the Sullivan County lands in the beautiful Connecticut River Valley."

    NHEdGIS will also be offering a Power of Data workshop (http://www.nhedgis.org/power-of-data-in-new-hampshire-475256.html) in conjunction with an NSF funded program out of Northern Arizona University.  The NH Power of Data program focuses on helping teachers plan and implement a geospatial inquiry project with their students and especially on how to help students understand how to choose, symbolize, and display data in thoughtful and honest ways to tell a story.  It consists of a week long face-to-face institute following some online preparatory sessions.  We are currently determining the best week (August 5-9 OR 12-16) and location (Hopkinton Middle High School OR Plymouth Regional High School) so if you are interested in attending this program please fill out this survey (https://goo.gl/forms/MAeQPJw42iYWLE6L2)  to let us know your preferences. 

  • 21 Mar 2019 3:01 PM | Anonymous member

    From our Awards Chair...

    As Awards Chair for NHSTE I would like to point out two new awards ISTE has this year that are self nominating. Because of this I would encourage you to possibly nominate yourself for the ISTE Impact Award. As I am sure you are still making a difference in education and doing outstanding work you would be ideal for this award. It is possible that you feel the same way about your district and would consider nominating your district for the ISTE Distinguished District Award. A description for either can be found below. 

    • ISTE Impact Award: This award honors individuals or organizations making a difference in education and whose outstanding work improves learning for all students.
    • ISTE Distinguished District Award: This award highlights an exceptional school district who demonstrates effectiveness and innovation in the application of educational technology. They ensure equitable, accessible and appropriate technology for all students and exhibit a progressive mindset when it comes to challenges in education (we have presented this award in the past, but have updated the nomination form).

    Nomination forms are live on the awards page on iste.org.Nominations close March 31. You can nominate yourself or someone else. Spread the word throughout your organization and help New Hampshire and it’s educators, leaders and districts get the recognition they deserve. 

  • 21 Mar 2019 2:40 PM | Anonymous member

    Register for Spring 2019 Courses Now!

    Courses cost $130 for 35 professional development hours.  Register early and save $10.00. Early Bird Special offer ends on March 26, 2019.

    The following courses are Scheduled to RUN:

    BP-08 Using Reflective Writing to Develop Metacognition in the Classroom
    BP-12 Creating a Successful Response to Intervention Plan
    BP-14 Universal Design: Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century
    BP-17 Moving to Competency Based Teaching and Learning
    CE-02 Engaging K-12 Students with Digital Portfolios
    CE-03 Aligning Curriculum with Standards and Learning Expectations
    CE-11 Using Digital Tools to Engage Students and Personalize Learning
    SE-04 Parental Involvement Strategies to Enhance Student Achievement

    Visit the OPEN NH Spring 2019 Session tab on this site, or OPENNH.org  for more information.

  • 16 Mar 2019 5:50 PM | Anonymous member

    Congressional App Challenge: Inspire the Next Generation!

    We are counting on educators like you to help us promote STEM education among today’s youth. The Congressional App Challenge is the most prestigious prize in student computer science. Participation in the challenge has grown exponentially and has reached underserved, diverse, and rural student populations. 

    Every year members of the US House of Representatives challenge students in their districts to create and submit their original apps for a chance to win the Congressional App Challenge (CAC). Each challenge is district-specific.  The New Hampshire Congressional District 1 U.S. Representative, Chris Pappas, has signed on and is looking for applications from students in NH Congressional District #1. 

    Representative Pappas will publicly recognize winning teams and each winning app may be put on display in the U.S. Capitol Building for one year. Additional prizes may also be available. The Congressional Internet Caucus initiates the annual Congressional App Challenge. They have appointed the non-profit Internet Education Foundation to provide the CAC with supplemental staffing and support.

    Check it out today and challenge your students to deisgn an app!

    Learn more at https://www.congressionalappchallenge.us/get-involved/educators/.

    For a map of NH CD #1, visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Hampshire%27s_1st_congressional_district

  • 16 Mar 2019 5:34 PM | Anonymous member

    The 2019-2020 NHTE grant program is now open! Here is what you need to know...


    $4000 to fund a project that has a foundation in emerging instructional technologies. Up to two grant projects will be funded.


    Any preK-12 team of teachers in a public or private New Hampshire school


    Application period opens March 18 and closes May 1, 2019


    For more information go to nhste.org/nhstegrants

NHSTE  ©2025

NHSTE 46 Donovan Street, Suite 3, Concord, New Hampshire 03301 Toll Free: 866-753-4479 office@nhste.org

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