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New Hampshire educators sharing the ways technology transforms teaching and learning.


NHSTE Happenings

NHSTE Happenings is a section of our website where we share information about what is happening with our organization, with our partners and affiliates, in the profession of educational technology, and in the education profession in general. If you have some to share, please send us an email.

  • 23 Sep 2018 9:14 PM | Anonymous member

    It is time to nominate a colleague for one of our NHSTE Awards. 

    Click here for more information.

    Click here to nominate a colleague.

  • 23 Sep 2018 9:01 PM | Anonymous member
    Online registration for CMTC 2018 is now open! Sign up early for Master It & Take It (MITI) workshops offered on Monday, 11/26.

    The deadline for MITI workshop registration is Thursday, November 1st. All MITI workshops are also available as BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). Check out what BYOD devices/resources you need for BYOD workshops on the CMTC 2018 website under ATTEND - PROGRAM - MITI WORKSHOPS.

    Visit the conference website for more information:  www.nhcmtc.org

    Also, join us as a presenter on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday and receive complimentary registration for the day.  We still have a openings for:

    • Teacher Showcase each morning
    • Student STEAM Showcase each afternoon
    • Ed Tech Playgrounds both morning and afternoons

    The Teacher Showcase highlights the use of instructional technology tools and resources that engage and empower students to enhance learning.  Examples include: demonstrating technology-enhanced projects using online interactive tools, social networking, video libraries, Google tools, or online conferencing to get students excited about and involved in their learning.  From 10:00 to 11:30 on Tuesday and Wednesday and 8:50 to 10:20 on Thursday, conference attendees walk around and chat with Teacher Showcase presenters.  Each showcase is provided with a new, larger 15’ x 20’ booth and 6’ long skirted table for displaying their materials.  The process is comfortable, relaxed, and informative.   

    The Student STEAM Showcase highlights programs across the state engaging students in a variety of STEAM activities in grades K-12.  The student showcase takes place in the afternoon from 1:00 to 3:15 (1:00-1:30 setup, 1:30-3:00 showcase, 3:00-3:15 breakdown).  We welcome up to two adults with a maximum of five students per team.  Each team receives a one-day conference registration for a maximum of two adults.  Each student team is provided with a new, larger 15’ x 20’ booth and 6’ long skirted table for displaying their materials. 

    EdTech Playgrounds bring together educators and exhibitors to provide attendees with hands-on fun and engagement in the EXPO Center morning and afternoon.  Potential topics include: Digital Age Library, MakerSpaces, Assistive Technology, Technology & the Early Learner, Coding & Robotics, GAFE, Augmented/Virtual Reality, and Video Production.  Playground participants receive a round or square table and plenty of space for setting up an interactive environment.  Teacher playgrounds run for 2 hours.         

    We look forward to seeing you at the newly renovated Double Tree by Hilton Manchester Downtown (previously the Radisson) in November.

  • 23 Sep 2018 8:55 PM | Anonymous member

    New England ISTE (NEISTE) offers FREE professional development webinars throughout the year. Here is a brief list of some of the upcoming webinars...

    • 7 Critical Factors in Successful Elementary and Middle School Engineering Projects
    • 6 Minutes and Reading Growth
    • Reaching ALL Students with Mastery Learning

    Click here for a list of all of the webinars and the link to register.

  • 23 Sep 2018 8:50 PM | Anonymous member

    We are very pleased to add FUNecole to our NHSTE discounted program.

    FUNecole® is a comprehensive digital learning solution for teaching and assessing Computer Science and 21st-Century/SEL skills in elementary education (Grades 1 to 6). (SEL – Social Emotional Learning) Each lesson is fully planned and supported by an end-to-end package of digital instructional contentincluding detailed activity plans, animated videos, student exercises, gamification guides, and formative assessments. In parallel, the digital learning and sharing platform truly enables the 21st century digital classroom with features including student digital portfolios, real-time project assignments and feedback, learning analytics, interactive assessments, performance benchmarking, and customized lesson planning.

    FUNecole® has an ISTE Seal of Alignment at the Proficiency Level and is endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education for ICT Starters qualifications

    Here’s their latest school success story to get an idea of the magnitude of results that FUNecole® schools accomplish.

    NHSTE webpage for FUNecole - http://nhste.org/page-1860087

  • 23 Sep 2018 8:46 PM | Anonymous member

    The call for proposals for ISTE 2019 in Philadelphia, PA is now open. 

     From ISTE... "We're seeking sessions that demonstrate and inspire educators to develop students' learning, problem-solving, critical-thinking, creativity, communication and collaboration skills. If you've had a lightning-bolt moment that led you to create an innovative edtech lesson or initiative, tell us about it in your proposal."

    Proposals will be accepted through Sept. 27.

    Click here to submit a proposal.

  • 23 Sep 2018 8:40 PM | Anonymous member

    NHSTE is proud to announce a new professional development offering for the 2018/19 school year ~ Digital Learning Specialist Roundtables

    The second Digital Learning Specialist Roundtable is being hosted by Nicole Cassamassino at Bedford's Peter Woodbury School for elementary school Technology Integration Teachers/Specialists.  Part Learning Tour, part EdCamp, and part discussion group, the attendees set the discussion topics for the day and support each other with their challenges.

    We know that professional development is important for everyone. In many cases, technology integration teachers are solo in their own buildings or districts. This roundtable opportunity is for those technology integration teachers interested in having conversations about particular topics to improve instruction for staff and students in their own district. Topics/discussion will be tailored based on participant attendees thoughts. Time will be built into schedule for a tour of school/staff conversation. Let’s get together to have thoughtful conversations to help move our schools forward.

    A light breakfast and lunch are included in the registration fee.  Attendees are encouraged to bring both their best practices and challenges.

    NHSTE is recruiting hosts in locations around the state, for additional roundtables in 2019.  If you are interested in hosting a Roundtable event at your school, please contact, Cyndi Dunlap, NHSTE Professional Learning Chair at cdunlap55@comcast.net.

    Registration is limited to 20 participants, so register before the school year begins to ensure a seat!  NHSTE Premium members receive advance notice of this opportunity.

    Target Audience:

    Digital Learning Specialists (Technology Integration Teachers) at the elementary school level

    Agenda (proposed):

    8:30 to 8:45am      Welcome/Introductions & light breakfast items

    8:45 to 10:45am    Discuss agenda topics (curated by those attending)

    10:45 to 12:00pm  Tour of school

    12:00 - 12:45 pm   Lunch & networking

    12:45 - 1:45 pm     Continue discussion of agenda topics

    Questions???:  For more information or questions about this event please contact:

    Nicole Cassamassino at cassamassinn@sau25.net

    Click here to register... there are a few spaces left!

  • 15 Aug 2018 11:17 AM | Anonymous member

    If you are looking at joining NHSTE or renewing/upgrading your current membership, please be reminded NHSTE has two membership specials available:

    • Premium Plus (includes Premium Membership & 1 CMTC Registration) - $185 annual fee ($10 discount
      • All of the benefits included in the Premium membership and a voucher for one conference day (T-W-Th) at CMTC
    • NEW PREMIUM MEMBERS - Receive a discount (up to $25) to one event (Meetup, Learning Tour, etc.) in your first year of membership.

    NHSTE has a full calendar from now until the fall ~ check out UPCOMING EVENTS on the NHSTE website - www.nhste.org for all the details

  • 15 Aug 2018 11:15 AM | Anonymous member

     Save the date. Invite a friend!  ONLINE Registration is now open!!!

    N3 ~ NHSTE's Night of Networking & Annual Meeting

    Finding YOUR School's Future Ready Swing!

    Join us at the Derryfield Country Club (625 Mammoth Road, Manchester) on Tuesday, September 25th for an evening of hands-on fun, great food, and casual networking with your colleagues.  Bring a friend and plan to meet new like-minded educators.

    Explore 5 STEAM Playgrounds & Engage in 2 Interactive Conversations this year!!!

    Playground directors include:

    • Sheila Adams & Robin Ellwood, Rye Junior High School ~ Finding Your Swing Project
    • TBD ~ playground supervisors will be added as secured

    Raffle prizes include:

    • as usual the mums on each table
    • 2 copies of Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown
    • STEAM surprises!
    • more STEAM surprises . . .
    • Comp registration to CMTC18

    Start your evening by playing in the STEAM Playgrounds and then continue to explore these interactive spaces during the dinner break.

    Special guests for the evening include . . .

    Sheila Adams, Science Teacher & Robin Ellwood, STEAM Teacher, Rye Jr. HS share this most engaging interdisciplinary effort . . . 

    “Finding Your Swing”

    During the 2017-18 school year, Rye Junior High School completed a year-long project called “Finding Your Swing”, linked to a school book read of The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown.  The term “swing” is used within the competitive rowing community to describe when a rowing crew is in perfect sync with each other and the boat is moving forward at optimum performance. We used the term as a theme for the year to present numerous interdisciplinary challenges to students. 

    One focus of the project was that each grade level (6thgrade - 8th grade) built two rowboats and their corresponding oars. Each grade level constructed a different model boat. At the end of the year, May 31st, RJHS held a “Rye Rowing Regatta” in Rye Harbor at which time grade level teams raced their rowboats through a marked course within the harbor. The entire community was invited to line the shores to cheer on the student performances and accomplishments!

    Read more about the project in this UNH article.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AND ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Holly Doe, Director of Technology, Pelham SD, Lia Dossin, Outreach Manager, Future Ready Schools, & Stan Freeda,NHSTE President & NH EdTech Director & Online Learning Specialist facilitate the following conversation . . .

    Navigate Your District’s Digital Transition with Support from Future Ready Schools

    Join Holly Doe from Pelham School District as she shares how her district is using the Future Ready Schools (FRS) Framework to create and implement a technology plan that presents a well-rounded picture of what learning can and will look like for Pelham students and staff. With personalization at the core of the gears, Pelham’s FRS plan aims to achieve the district’s vision of “inspiring success one mind at a time.”

    Future Ready Schools® (FRS) is a bold effort to maximize student-centered learning opportunities and help leaders at traditional and charter public schools and private schools leverage technology to prepare students for success in college, a career, and citizenship. Beginning with a systemic planning process, FRS helps district and school leaders develop the human and technological capacity needed to personalize student learning. FRS has a growing collection of FREE research-based planning tools including the FRS Framework5 Step Planning Process, and a series of webinars/blogs and resources to support all district’s digital transformation and modernization efforts.

    Discover all the free support available for New Hampshire districts wanting to develop plans for the effective use of technology in improving learning outcomes using Future Ready tools and resources. Stan Freeda shares his vision for the Future Ready initiative in New Hampshire.  Don’t row your boat up stream!  Join the Future Ready Schools community for support for every stroke.

    If you are not already a NHSTE member, it is easy to join and we even have a FREE membership (Basic).  

    Date:  Tuesday, September 25, 2017

    Time:  4:00 to 8:00 p.m.

    We regret that we cannot offer onsite registration.

    Program of Events:

    • 4:00 to 4:45 - STEAM Playgrounds  
    • 4:45 to 5:30 - Sheila & Robin - "Finding your Swing"
    • 5:30 to 6:15 - General Business Meeting
    • 6:15 to 7:00 - Dinner & STEAM Playgrounds
    • 7:00 to 7:45 - Holly, Lia, & Stan - Navigate Your District's Digital Transition with Support from Future Ready Schools
    • 7:45 to 8:00 - Closing Raffle & Thanks

    Registration Fees: 

    • NHSTE Premium Member: $25 or 1 NHSTE Event Coupon
    • NHSTE Basic Member: $30 or 1 NHSTE Event Coupon
    • NHSTE Board Members (current & new): 50% discount*
    • NHSTE, NHACES, NHACC Past Presidents: 50% discount*

    *Promotion code will be emailed to these individuals directly.

    Registration Deadline:  Tuesday, September 18, 2018

    You may pay for your registration using check, purchase order, NHSTE event coupon, VISA, or MasterCard.

    Directions to the Derryfield Country Club can be found at: 



    Become a NHSTE member to keep informed about more events like this.  If you are not a NHSTE member join this great group for FREE with a basic membership or a paid (Premium) membership. 

    Join online at: http://nhste.org/Membership

    For more information contact Andrea O'Neil at: oneil.andrea@gmail.com.
    More information and online registration: N3 ~ NHSTE Night of Networking, Annual Meeting, & Finding YOUR School's Future Ready Swing!

    Best regards,
    NHSTE Board Members

  • 15 Aug 2018 11:13 AM | Anonymous member

    Signup early, we expect this event to sell out ~ registration is limited to 20!

    What: Digital Learning Specialists Roundtable - Elem ~ New for 2018/19 
    Where: Peter Woodbury School, 180 County Road, Bedford, NH 03110 
    When: Thursday, 14 Nov 2018

    NHSTE is proud to announce a new professional development offering for the
    2018/19 school year ~ Digital Learning Specialist Roundtables

    The second Digital Learning Specialist Roundtable is being hosted by Nicole Cassamassino at Bedford's Peter Woodbury School for elementary school Technology Integration Teachers/Specialists.  Part Learning Tour, part EdCamp, and part discussion group, the attendees set the discussion topics for the day and support each other with their challenges.

    We know that professional development is important for everyone. In many cases, technology integration teachers are solo in their own buildings or districts. This roundtable opportunity is for those technology integration teachers interested in having conversations about particular topics to improve instruction for staff and students in their own district. Topics/discussion will be tailored based on participant attendees thoughts. Time will be built into schedule for a tour of school/staff conversation. Let’s get together to have thoughtful conversations to help move our schools forward.

    A light breakfast and lunch are included in the registration fee.  Attendees are encouraged to bring both their best practices and challenges.

    NHSTE is recruiting hosts in locations around the state, for additional roundtables in 2019.  If you are interested in hosting a Roundtable event at your school, please contact, Cyndi Dunlap, NHSTE Professional Learning Chair at cdunlap55@comcast.net.

    Registration is limited to 20 participants, so register before the school year begins to ensure a seat!  NHSTE Premium members receive advance notice of this opportunity.

    Target Audience:

    Digital Learning Specialists (Technology Integration Teachers) at the middle/high school levels

    Agenda (proposed):

    8:30 to 8:45am      Welcome/Introductions & light breakfast items

    8:45 to 10:45am    Discuss agenda topics (curated by those attending)

    10:45 to 12:00pm  Tour of school

    12:00 - 12:45 pm   Lunch & networking

    12:45 - 1:45 pm     Continue discussion of agenda topics
                                 (curated by those attending)

    Questions???:  For more information or questions about this event please contact:

    Nicole Cassamassino at cassamassinn@sau25.net

    Registration Deadline: 

    Wednesday, November 7th, 2018

    Registration Fee:

    General Registration:  $30.00

    NHSTE Basic (free) Member Registration:  $30.00

    NHSTE Premium (paid) Member Registration: $25.00

    NHSTE Event Coupons:  1 Coupon Numbers; Please select, pay as "Manual" when registering and email the coupon numbers to office@nhste.org, your payment will then be confirmed. Thank you!

    NOTE - Please remember to allow your email system to receive emails from nhsteorg@gmail.com for event updates and confirmations.

    Payment Information:

    During the online registration process, you will be able to pay your fee by check, purchase order, NHSTE Event Coupons, or credit card. 

    • We only accept Visa or Mastercard credit cards.
    • For all other payments, follow the “Off line” payment directions.

    You will receive an email confirmation within 24 hours following your completed registration.

    Cancellation Policy:

    Cancellations requested by Wednesday, November 7th, 2018 will be refunded in full.

     For more information and online registration: http://nhste.memberlodge.com/event-3029947

    Cyndi Dunlap & Nicole Cassamassino
    NHSTE CMTC/Professional Learning Chair & Event Host

  • 05 Jun 2018 5:01 PM | Anonymous member

    Results of Esri’s ArcGIS Online Map Competition 2018 are in.  

    Andrew Wilson from Lin-wood is the National Honoree at the middle school level!  Congratulations to Andrew and Carol Smith, the librarian at Lin-wood who supported his project.  Andrew, his parent, and Carol will be headed to California this summer to attend Esri’s EdUC (Educational User Conference) and UC (International User Conference) where Andrew will present to the larger GIS community.  

    The link to Andrew’s project is: https://arcg.is/2rAKNt5 

    The link to the “item details” page which documents the project is:  https://arcg.is/2I9AFP6  

     For more information about the competition in general see:  


    or for information about our state level competition see:  


     A special thanks to NHSTE for serving as the “fiscal agent” for this project and to Stan for serving as the assistant coordinator on the state level.

NHSTE  ©2025

NHSTE 46 Donovan Street, Suite 3, Concord, New Hampshire 03301 Toll Free: 866-753-4479 office@nhste.org

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