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Reflections on NHSTE's Annual Night of Networking and Annual Meeting by Kathy Malsbenden

  • 11 Oct 2013 10:55 AM
    Message # 1410152

    NHSTE held it’s annual night of networking and annual meeting on September 25, 2013 from 4pm to 8pm at the Derryfield Country Club in Manchester, NH. Forty-five NHSTE members and guests enjoyed good food, conversation, and speakers.

    The afternoon started with a very informative update on Google Apps for Education from Allison Mollica. Currently, a Google Apps for Education Certified Trainer and Virtual Instructor for NH's Virtual Learning Academy, Allison supports school districts by developing customized approaches to deploying and leveraging Google Apps for Education in 'their environment.'  Allison speaks about the growth of opportunities available through the Google suite of tools.

    During the Annual Meeting, board members were recognized and committee chairs gave a “year in review” for the attending members. Cyndi Dunlap updated us on the new NHSTE and Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference websites. Please visit that site to register for the conference and preview this conference which has become the premier technology conference in New England. Andrea O’Neil recognized 2012’s technology winners and announced her resignation as Awards Chair. Cyndi Dunlap offered a wonderful tribute and gift to Andrea for her ten years as chair of this committee. Celeste Best stood in for Pam Carr, the new Awards Chair, in announcing the opening of this year’s awards nominations and deadlines. She also announced the new grant program, Chris Nelson Memorial Grant Program Pilot, established to honor the memory of Christina Nelson a long time NHSTE member and Manchester technology coordinator. Members were updated on upcoming professional development opportunities both virtual and face to face. Deb Boisvert presented the treasurer’s report which was accepted unanimously. Jen Middaugh announced the Digital Learning Day. The slate of officers were nominated and unanimously elected. The 2013-2014 NHSTE Board is: Slate of Officers

    • Past President - Cathy Brophy; Other

    • President - Donna Dennis; Other

    • President-Elect - Celeste Best; Other

    • Vice President - Jennifer Middaugh; Other

    • Treasurer - Deb Boisvert; Other

    • Secretary - Open; Other

    A secretary was not nominated so this office is still open. If you are interested please contact any of the above board member. Donna Dennis, President, then presented her vision for the coming year and recognized outgoing board members, Linda George, Linda Heuer, Andrea O’Neil, and Maria Knee for their many years of service to NHSTE.  Recognition of Outgoing Board Members

    The meeting adjourned at 6:15.

    After a delicious buffet Libby Curran presented her Journey in developing an app for early literacy. Libby is a Special Education teacher from Newport, NH and one of People Magazine's “Teacher of the Year” Award Winners. She is currently working with two young developers who live in Beijing to develop an iPad app for early literacy.  is currently working with two young developers who live in Beijing to develop an iPad app for early literacy. "The Reading Train" features her little emergent reading books with games to practice spelling, letter and word recognition, and comprehension.

    After raffles and general announcements, the 32nd Annual Night of Networking closed. Many thanks to Andrea O’Neil, Cyndi Dunlap, Celest Best, Donna Dennis and Kathy Malsbenden and the Derryfield Country Club for their parts in making this night so informative and delightful for everyone.

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