Amy Gentile-Cantone, Swasey Central School, in Brentwood, NH is this year’s recipient of the NHSTE Pat Keyes Technology-Using Educator Award.
Amy Gentile-Cantone is a fifth grade teacher at Swasey Central School in Brentwood, NH where she has been an elementary classroom teacher for the past 7 years. She also serves as a district technology mentor for the SAU 16 school district, she is a regular workshop presenter for the Seacoast Professional Development Center (SPDC) in Exeter, NH and has presented statewide at the New Hampshire Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference and the LESCN Conference. Ms. Cantone resides in Atkinson, NH with her husband and son.
If you would like any further information regarding these awards or NHSTE please visit the NHSTE website: